Don’t Try this at Home !

Angioplasty – the sequel


So, I hadn’t actually envisaged a rematch with the redoubtable vascular team at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, but time and tide have their effects on the frail human system, and it became clear that I needed more work done. This was evident some while back but our very own pandemic intervened in quite unexpected ways.

(See the prequel here)

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A great afternoon out in Aberdeen !

Or; a funny thing happened on the way to the theatre.

I’d never envisaged a situation where I would encounter a sculptor with a scalpel; well, perhaps becoming the object of a sculpture is taking the analogy a bit far, but it certainly involved phenomenal levels of skill, imagination and attention to detail. In life we rarely become part of the ‘installation’, but this is the best image I can conjure of a surgical team. I felt at the time that I was absorbed into the cosy collaboration of a dedicated repertory theatre group in a spirited rendition of a favourite performance for them, but an important one for me.

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Carry on Doc !

Well I’ve been in the hospital for a few days; – it’s my first time, stopping in. Previously I’ve only visited to get x-rays, scans, and enjoyed one day stands with broken or cut bits. This time I’m hoping for a car bumper sticker like Alexi Sayle used to talk about – “I’ve been to hospital !” Read more . .

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